
It’s summer, middle of June, you are getting up, looking out of the window and the sun smiles at you. You get dressed, thinking of nothing evil, but when you want to leave for work you suddenly realize it’s only 13°C. Five minutes later dark clouds cover the sun and a chilly breeze blows under your much too light clothes. You realize, you are not dressed appropriately.

You realize, you are not in Germany any more.

You are in the land of rain and deer. That’s what happened to me a couple of times since I came to Stockholm to work as a post doc one month ago. But I don’t want to complain, I have to adjust my gear and bear in mind that I am at the sea, where the weather can change rapidly. And besides the temperature, Stockholm is a vibrant and comfortable place to live and I’m glad I landed here. And although Germany and Sweden are very much alike in many aspects, I already spotted subtle differences. I will come to that later, but first let’s have a look on some basic figures. Here comes the ultimate comparison between Germany and Sweden.


2 thoughts on “rain/deer”

  1. Hey,

    I’m happy to hear that you’ve made your way to Stockholm! Your stats about corruption are slightly confusing. Why exactly is higher equal to better?

    Enjoy the deer-watching!

    1. Hey Philipp, well well, I dont know exactly why higher is better. You are absolutely right, the score between 0 and 100 should better read ‘transparency’, and the inverse of that would be corruption.

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